February 5th, 2006 — 3:10pm
I am a slow reader. I measured my speed. I read 50-60 pages an hour. That’s around or below American average.
My biggest problem is vocalization. It’s very hard for me to stop trying to pronounce words as I read them. If I can have a visual picture of the subject, it’s a little bit easier but not always possible.
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February 3rd, 2006 — 10:48pm
Did I mention I am getting married ?
This is my love Laurie. She is wonderful.
I was feeling a little stunned at first but now I am feeling quite relaxed about it. I think our life is going to be good.
I hate traditional ceremonies, but we still need to invite our families. So we came to a compromise. We’ll have a pirate wedding on a sailboat ! I already reserved my costume at Costumes On Haight.
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February 2nd, 2006 — 1:59am
So, I went to cinema every night this week so far. I saw “Match Point”, “Capote” and “Caché”. All three good movies. If I would need to rank them, I would put Woody Allen’s “Match Point” on top and “Capote” on bottom of this list.
Match Point has some great acting and a very interesting crime story.
Michael Handke’s Caché is a much more disturbing movie than Match Point. Not as much as his previous movies. Slow tempo. Ambigous ending. That’s all fine with me.
Capote is a good movie too, altho it ended last on my list. I just couldn’t grasp seriously either character’s feelings – Capote’s or the murderer’s.
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